Smart lighting, the key to energy savings
Miguel Allen Lima's article published in Ambiente Magazine could hardly be clearer and more concise in its argument in favor of replacing conventional lighting by new smart LED technology solutions
At a time when the volume of debate on ways to reduce energy consumption is proportional to the increase in energy costs, the latest article by ARQUILED’s CEO continues his evangelizing mission already visible in previous contexts, and can be easily summarized in 3 points and a question:
- 30-50% of the municipalities’ energy consumption is from street lighting;
- Changing to LED allows saving at least 70%, helping the municipalities’ coffers while improving the quality of service and protecting the environment;
- There are no excuses for inaction – it is possible to finance the transition with no upfront investment through the ESCo (Energy Service Companies) model.
What are we waiting for to extend to the whole country what municipalities like Valongo, Moita, Tomar and many others have been doing?
Full article available bellow (Portuguese only).