ARQUILED is one of the 101 best lighting companies in the Iberian Peninsula
BestStartup.eu has once again listed ARQUILED in its rankings of the best companies and startups in the European market, this time specifically in the lighting sector.
ARQUILED has been listed as one of the 101 best lighting companies in the Iberian Peninsula by BestStartup.eu, which selected for the ranking companies with “exceptional performance in the categories of innovation, growth, management or social impact”.
BestStartup.eu’s mission is “to promote the best companies, businesses, and innovations from the European Union on the global stage” and ARQUILED has been a recurring presence on its lists. In 2021 the company had already been chosen by BestStartup.eu as one of the:
- 16 best lighting companies in Portugal;
- 95 best electronics companies in Portugal;
- Top 101 manufacturers in Portugal.
For Miguel Allen Lima, ARQUILED’s CEO, these rankings recognize “the work that is done every day by a team committed to create the best and most innovative products that are an asset in the life of cities” and are “a motivation to continue with the good work developed over the years”.