ARQUILED provides Tomar Municipality with smart luminaires connected via LoRaWAN®
The pioneering project of Smart Street Lighting, with centralized management with IoT platform and Artificial Intelligence, will comprise about 14 thousand new luminaires connected via LoRa communications.
The conventional street lighting will be replaced throughout the county by Arquiled LED luminaires equipped with Long-Range Low-Power wireless technology, which allows to regulate peer-to-peer the entire street lighting infrastructure. With the integration of the Watson IoT management platform with other municipal systems, it will also be possible to manage and monitor other municipal services – for example, the platform will be able to monitor events in real time and obtain alerts whose information can be used to make changes or adjustments or to act preventively based on system analytics.
The upgrade of the 13.522 conventional points of light for LED technology luminaires covers the eleven parishes of the municipality and will involve the installation of road, ornamental and historical luminaires, according to the specifications of each different zone. Each luminaire has its own Low-Power WAN (LPWAN) module in LoRaWAN®, developed by Arquiled, which enables control and management on an individual or network level, communicating with Arquiled’s Application Programming Interface (API) which in turn connects to Watson IoT.
The consortium integrated by Arquiled promotes the Municipality’s energy efficiency
The new street lighting model for Tomar Municipality is part of a broader energy efficiency management contract with 16-year length in an ECO.AP format, with an estimated total investment of 8.9 million euros. The cost savings generated in the period are estimated around 11.5 million euros, which will be reinvested in the infrastructure of the municipality.
The contract was signed between the municipality and Ferrovial Serviços – an energy services company that uses the savings generated by the reduction of energy consumption in street lighting to invest in the infrastructure of the county, without additional costs or investments for the municipality. As a managing entity of the project, Ferrovial Serviços associated itself with Arquiled – as experts in street lighting solutions -, and to Softinsa, a company of the IBM group specialized in management services and development of applications and infrastructures to operationalize the entire process.
Of the overall project budget, about 3 million euros are allocated to the component implemented by Arquiled.
In the scope of the energy efficiency management project are also contemplated four pilot projects to monitor the water quality of the Nabão River and its flood levels, as well as the water quality and the use and loss of water in the fire hydrants.
Tomar will become a Smart Human City
According to the Mayor of Tomar, Anabela Freitas, the project “promotes territorial cohesion, as it covers the entire county, and bets on the technological component.” According to the President, the project is part of the work developed by the municipality to make Tomar “a Smart Human City at the level of scientific, technological, intelligent and human territory.”
To Arquiled’s CEO, the project is an example of what municipalities can do “in order to promote environmentally friendly cities and simultaneously achieve significant savings for the municipality.” According to Miguel Allen Lima, Arquiled’s participation in this innovative project fits perfectly into what has been the company’s latest bet – “the development of intelligent lighting systems supported by IoT”.
In addition to the development of pioneering projects in Portugal, Arquiled – with offices in Lisbon and a plant in Mora-Alentejo – has been investing heavily in the internationalization of the company, investing in countries such as Colombia, Brazil and Peru. The promotion and realization of the concept of Smart Cities, based on pillars such as sustainability, safety, energy efficiency, intelligence and connectivity – is a constant in its performance.
The ECO.AP program, launched in 2011, aims to achieve a 30% energy efficiency level in Public Administration Affairs and Services by 2020.
Estimated saving of € 11.5M in the municipality’s expenses with accumulated lighting, in the 16 years contract lenght. Data provided by Ferrovial Serviços, SA
LoRaWAN® is a mark used under license from the LoRa Alliance®.
Bright Science, a Arquiled Group company, is in the process of joining LoRa Alliance®.