Pontos de Vista magazine traces the portrait of ARQUILED
The company, the culture, the vision that moves us, the projects, products, solutions and partners – all this is highlighted in the “Pontos de Vista” magazine, whose editorial objective stands to “raise the potential of business in Portugal”.
The article called “Smart, efficient and sustainable cities”, describes the “technologically innovative” products manufactured by Arquiled and the geographic dispersion of its projects, including the ongoing internationalization process in Latin America.
Sustainability, Connectivity and Intelligence are listed as key elements of the company’s performance, highlighting the importance of street lighting projects for road safety and crime prevention.
The case studies of Valongo and Cascais Boardwalk
To illustrate the added value of Arquiled solutions, two concrete examples are pointed out: Valongo (the largest ESCo project in Portugal) and Cascais.
In the first, the challenge of obtaining better lighting with less costs (1/3 of the lighting was turned off for financial reasons) resulted in the street lighting upgrade of the municipality with Arquiled luminaires with ECCOS STREET flow regulation system integrated.
In Cascais Boardwalk, the municipality’s willingness to meet sustainable development goals and to allow the autonomous flow regulation of street lighting involved the replacement of 307 conventional luminaires by Arquiled connected luminaires, more energy-efficient and less polluting, with ECCOS CITY remote management control integrated. With this it became possible to monitor the street light in time, setting different usage profiles and dimming the luminous flow via web application.
Bright Science company’s launch and the strategic partnership with ISEL
Lastly, the article also highlights the most recent launch of Bright Science, the Engineering Company of Arquiled’s group and its strategic “establishment of partnerships with universities” to produce knowledge for “smart city solutions and services and IoT technology” to put at the service of municipalities.
You can read the full article (PT) on the site of Pontos de Vista.
ISEL – Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa is a public university institute of engineering located in Lisbon, Portugal