“Vida Económica” newspaper reveals Arquiled’s strategy for returning to the Brazilian market
The initial goal is to close deals with a limited set of cities and develop projects that work as a “showcase” for the company and its street lighting technology – the municipality of Aparecida, in the state of São Paulo, is about to receive the first
The year 2020 marks ARQUILED’S return to Brazil and, after the Expresso newspaper has already done so, now it was the turn of the “Vida Económica” newspaper to present the company’s strategy to its readers. And the article brings some news.
According to Miguel Allen Lima, CEO of Arquiled, the current year essentially serves to “plant” Arquiled’s technology in the country, showcasing it’s experience and know-how in LED street lighting and Smart Lighting systems through a set of small projects. The first project is already contracted with the municipality of Aparecida, in the state of São Paulo, but the goal is to close “three or four” projects by the end of the year.

More ambitious plans in the medium term
Although 2020 is understood as year zero in Brazil, the return to the Brazilian market has been underway for three years as part of the company’s internationalization project, which identified the need to design products specifically for the target markets and to work with local partners.
Therefore, Arquiled signed an exclusive representation contract with the Brazilian company ENERFOCUS and a protocol for development and research with FACENS, a renowned engineering faculty from São Paulo.
Sustained growth supported by smart luminaires
Working mainly in the street lighting and energy efficiency solutions sector since 2012, Arquiled has been growing consistently and reached 10 million euros turnover for the first time in 2019. Despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the forecast of 12 million euros for this year remains valid, supported by the growth in the area of network-connected smart luminaires, according to Miguel Allen Lima.
Click the button for a full version of the Vida Económica piece (in Portuguese only), which also highlights the prototype of Autonomous Solar LED Luminaire (LLESA) developed by Arquiled and currently under testing.